Geiger counters have many applications in the detection of radioactivity. Here are some examples, along with uses to which some of our customers have put them:
To detect radioactive rocks and minerals in the course of mineral prospecting or as a mineral collector.
For Fire and Police first responders to a scene for making an initial determination of radiation risk.
For HazMat personnel in checking for radiation danger in an emergency situation.
To check for environmental levels of radioactivity near a nuclear power facility.
To test for danger amidst a nuclear accident or leakage of radioactive coolant.
To check for radioactive contamination of clothing and shoes in your workplace.
Radiation detection in the scrap metal processing business, including oil field drill pipe that has been contaminated by Radium 226, an alpha emitter.
You work in or near an X-ray lab in a medical facility and want to check for leaks or possible exposure.
To check for radiation in areas where depleted uranium ammunition shells have been used.
To check for irradiated gemstones in the jewelry trade.
You are a cancer patient undergoing radiation therapy, including thyroid cancer patients checking Iodine 131 levels.
You are in close proximity to a uranium mine and want to test the soil and environment for dangerous levels of radioactivity.
To test for radioactive contamination of food.
You are a teacher and need one for educational demonstrations.
To check materials in your anthropology or archeology field.
You're a hobbyist and want to check your watch dial, smoke detector, antique pottery, lantern mantels, etc. for radioactivity.
To check for radioactivity in metal objects in your home or office that could be made of recycled radioactive materials.
You are visiting the Trinity site in New Mexico where the first atomic bomb was detonated, and you want to measure the residual radiation from the blast.
Examples of what Geiger counters do not detect:
Neutron radiation
Microwave radiation
Radon gas (those detectors are available in hardware stores)
Laser energy
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